01 June 2015

Sunday May 31, Major Darren Norton enrolled four new senior soldiers this morning. All had an association with the Adult Rehabilitation Center and solidify the relationship of the corps with the Pasadena ARC. The scripture read was James 5:13-20. 

This series has covered 13 weeks and today we look at the last portion. The. Great persecution of Christians had driven them through out the known world. James is writing this letter to encourage them, saying that their faith need to be one that worked. Be patient in times of trouble and pray to the Lord to have the strength for those days. He didn't forget about prayer but made it the conclusion of his letter. As cobblers & tailors make clothes and farmer grow food, it is the job of Christians to pray. 

James 5:13 begins by saying "are any of you in trouble?" Are you facing struggles in your daily living? The first thing you need to do is go to God in prayer. "Is anyone happy?" then sing songs of praise. Just the ups and downs of life should bring us to prayer. 

5:14 questions "is any one of you sick?" The original Greek word meant without strength. Are you so stressed that you are at the ends of your abilities, then pray to God for comfort. If you hit rock bottom, then ask someone to pray with you. The expression to anoint with oil refers to rubbing a soothing salve on the wounds, troubles, difficulties that you are facing, it is bringing a hope to the stressful heart. The prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well. 

5:15-16 reminds us that if there is any sin in our lives, we must confess our sins and pray for each other. But don't wait until you crash to the bottom, but stop and ask for strength. God wants to hear from you and help in your life. There is great power in prayer. 

James 5:17-18 reminds us that Elijah was just like us and he prayed that it would not rain and it did not for three years. But then he again prayed and the heavens opened and the earth produced its crops. The prayers of the righteous person in the church can open the gates of heaven. That is the power of prayer. 

We need to be people of prayer. We need to reach out to our Heavenly Father when we face difficult times. Remember our church family and pray for those facing difficult times. If someone is ill, pray for them. If someone is troubled, offer an encouraging word and pray with them. 

Purify my heart, Let me be as gold and precious silver. 
Purify my heart, Let me be as gold, pure gold. 

Refiner's fire, my hearts one desire is to be holy, 
Set apart for You Lord, I choose to be holy. 
Set apart for You my Master, ready to do Your will. 

Don McDougald, Lt. Colonel